You've probably heard the saying "He's a glass half-empty kind of guy". It refers to a person having a negative view of things. Of course, when a glass is half-empty, it's also half-full. It's the exact same glass, just seen from two very different perspectives. There is another saying that goes "attitude is everything".
You may have heard of, read the book, or seen the movie Polyanna. It's about a little girl who plays the "glad game". Basically, she looks for the positive in every situation and ends up transforming the lives of everyone around her with her bright outlook. I'm sure we all know people who brighten the mood when they are around and others who are rather like dark clouds rolling into a room.
Why am I throwing out these sayings/cliches/stories? I want to challenge you...and me.
We each have a choice, perhaps not in what happens to us, but definitely in how we react and respond. This may seem trivial, but I challenge you to look for the half-full, celebrate the small things, notice the beauty around you, be thankful, and share the joys of life. I dare you to start collecting smiles. Life itself is something to celebrate!